108.750 mq
Sup. Territoriale
185.700 mq
Co-designers: SD Partners | Polistudio A.E.S
The project for the construction of the New Macerata Hospital arises from the evaluation of a preliminary feasibility analysis for the construction of a new single hospital at the provincial level in the Vasta 3 Area, which currently includes the large hospitals of Macerata and Civitanova.
The new hospital will have to respond to the new seismic regulations being the "strategic" building. The project proposal is called upon to ensure over time the indispensable adaptability to the evolution of the diagnosis and treatment systems.
Volumes, spaces, functions must communicate in coherence with the needs connected with flows, routes and accesses, with the connections between the outside and inside, with the functional organization of the different hospital areas.
The project proposal was developed keeping in mind a series of needs such as:
An adequate level of structural flexibility capable of guaranteeing adequate margins for changes in the management-organizational model.
Expandability understood as ease of internal variations to cope with changes in spaces and functions related to them.
A rational organization of spaces subordinated to the correct identification and rationalization of the flows of people and materials.
Ensure the centrality of the patient within the various therapeutic-assistance paths.
Ensure an adequate level of quality in terms of environmental comfort of the spaces which must, in view of an appropriate standard of humanization, be as human-friendly as possible, comfortable but at the same time safe, guaranteeing good conditions of well-being and appropriate privacy.
Humanization for guests and staff.
The ergonomics of the workplace.
Energy saving and adequate use of renewable energies.
Adequate levels of maintainability.
Economy in management and use.
Simplicity in hygiene maintenance procedures.